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Stem Cells the New BUZZ Word.

Updated: Aug 22, 2022

But what are stem cells and how do they work?

Stem cells are specialized cells that can divide over and over again and turn into specialized cells. Stem cells would be similar to a mother cell that divides and turns into many different cells. They change depending on what the body needs. They help to replace lost or damaged cells that the body can’t replace naturally. As we age so do our stem cells. This lowers our ability to heal and fight of disease. X39 helps stimulate stem cell growth which can help the body in many ways.

Stem cells are being used by many professionals. There is now even a VSELS or very small embryonic like stem cells. However, these therapies cost thousands of dollars and in some instances can be very painful especially if they need to retrieve the stem cells from your bone marrow. OUCH! regardless our stem cells are aging so basically you are replacing old stem cells with old stem cells. X39 increases the production and quality of your own stem cells.

Lifewave uses a patented technology that increases the production of your stem cells. It is photo therapy, we can activate stem cells with light. It is not a transdermal patch that allows a substance to be absorbed through the skin. X39 is non-transdermal instead it uses a patented therapy that uses light from your own body.

Once applied to the body X39 is activated by your own body heat. Body heat in the form of infrared light. It will reflect very specific wavelengths of light that will stimulate the body. This in turn causes specific chemical reactions in the body. Similar to how the sun causes the body to create vitamin D. This reaction elevates a peptide that is known to activate stem cells. It produces an immediate effect. X39 increases the production of antioxidants and decreases inflammation.

By activating your own stem cells, the X39 patch can

· Reduce pain

· Reduce inflammation

· Improve mental clarity

· Support wound healing

· Faster recovery from exercise

· Enhance sports performance

· Improve the appearance of the skin

Lifewave is so sure you will see results that offers a 100% 30 day money back guarantee. You need to try it to experience the amazing benefits. For more information click on or contact me today Candace Ray is an independent distributer of LifeWave.

Copyright 2018

All material and information presented by Candace Ray Health is intended to be used for educational purposes only. The statements made about products, supplements, or treatments have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The information is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any condition or disease. Please consult with your own physician or health care practitioner before making changes to your diet, exercise routine, or lifestyle.

Candace Ray Health | | 661-204-1372

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