This is the first of a seven-part series called “FLOAT”
“Floating” is not new it was introduced in the 1950’s. Recently “Floating” has come in the spot light, being featured on CBS and many other news venues because of its amazing health benefits. Most of us have soaked in an Epsom salt bath, experiencing relaxation and relief from muscle soreness but have no idea what a “Float” is. A Float is similar to an Epsom Salt bath on steroids using somewhere between 800 to 1,500 pounds of Epsom Salt. Epsom Salt is not really a salt. Its scientific name is Magnesium Sulfate. This natural mineral compound is made up of minute, clear crystals that are easily absorbed through the skin. Your skin is the largest organ of absorption. Epsom Salts have so many restorative functions because of the rapid uptake through the skin. I have one within 40 minutes of my home. Find one close to you on this website.
“FLOATING” Benefits
1. Many people are low in magnesium. Soaking in Epsom Salts has the ability to restore magnesium balance and deliver health benefits’. Benefits include; assisting with gout, tension headaches, muscle tension, pain, depression, anxiety and so much more.
2. “Floating” helps to remove toxins for the body by flushing toxins from the skin and strengthens detox pathways throughout the body. Epsom salt also makes detoxing more effective.
3. Reduces inflammation in the body. Including inflammation in joints and even back pain.
4. Reduces stress by promoting the production of serotonin and reducing the effects of adrenaline.
5. Promotes being invigorated without causing negative feelings like restlessness or anxiety. Magnesium also plays a critical role in the production of energy in cells.
6. Regular intake of Epsom salts – either orally or transdermal – may help to regulate blood sugar, lowering the risk of diabetes and improving your overall daily energy levels.
I believe in the health benefits of Floating. As with any change in your routine I suggest starting slowly and building up. Work with your Health Coach to ensure you are getting the most out of any routine. Happy “Floating”
Comment below with how “Floating” made you feel.