Treat yourself to a massage.
Detoxing and the wonderful multitude of benefits by way of a massage.
Not only will a massage relax you it will also support your body in removing toxins. Ever wonder why they always give you a glass of water after your massage? It’s to help your body release toxins through your kidneys.
A massage reduces hypertension, releases toxins, improves circulation, and reduces pain and stress. Bonus, it feels absolutely great! One study found that a single, 45-minute massage led to a small reduction in the level of cortisol, a stress hormone, in the blood, a decrease in cytokine proteins related to inflammation and allergic reactions, and a boost in white blood cells that fight infection. A side-note; if you are suffering from a chronic condition like auto immune or Lyme disease you will want to go slow and maybe start with a softer touch massage or only 30 minutes or possibly a reflexology massage of the feet. This way you start slow. Do what works for you.
Another great benefit to massage is a lymph drainage massage. The Lymph system is a complicated network of vessels ducts and nodes that move fluid between cells and tissues and produces and distributes the infection fighting and scavenging cells of the body. It is the transportation highway of the immune system and it repairs functions of the body. When it is working properly it effectively cleans the tissues, aids in cellular repair and eliminates toxins. When it is congested it deprives the cells of oxygen and affects the ability of the body to rid itself of its own waste material. Our body systems rely on the lymph system for waste removal. If you do not exercise enough or have enough movement your lymph system will become stagnant. It relies on movement to work. Unfortunately, your lymph system does not have a muscle like the heart to circulate and move unwanted toxins through the lymph nodes and out of the body. In order for the lymph to work it needs help through exercise, massage or infrared saunas.
Give yourself a treat and add a monthly massage to your treatment program!