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Detox Detox Detox Simple steps to clean up your life

Writer's picture: CandaceCandace

Detox seems to be the latest buzz word. But what does it mean? Are we talking about a 3 day fast, or sweating in a hut in Arizona, turning off our Wi-Fi, or supplementing with natural binders, or going “on the wagon”?

Detox is actually all of those and more. Basically, Detoxing should be a noun that is used as a way of life. I detox should be used as much as we say exercise, diet and meditate. Detoxing is as important as breathing which by the way is another form of naturally elimination or detoxing.

We are exposed to nearly 80,000 artificial chemicals in our world today. Depending on how you research it the numbers could be far greater. Our body simply was not designed to keep up with the onslaught of toxins that we are being exposed to.

Detoxing is an absolutely necessary step in everyo

ne’s individual health and wellness regimen. A special side due to genetics some of us simply do not detox as well as others. I am a slow “detoxer” and must be diligent in my daily practices.

The body has a natural ability to rid itself of toxins. But as stated in today’s world, this natural ability is severely compromised. Repeated overexposure results in toxins finding their way into your fat cells and brain tissue. Ever wonder why you can’t lose weight or have increasing brain fog?

Your body as a way to function adds fat to store toxins so they do not circulate in your system. According to reports by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the average person now has 212 environmental chemicals in their blood (things like mercury, lead, cadmium and industrial chemicals).

What can you do to help reverse this over buildup of toxins? First understand that it is important and start slow. Make these life changes sustainable by starting with the easy things.

Here are some easy ways you can start detoxing today for a better you tomorrow.

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Drinking more water each day to help the body flush out the toxins, be crazy and add a lemon slice.

Make sure you are drinking clean pure water. Side note, if you are using a reverse osmosis system or some filters you are also removing minerals so you may wish to supplement.

Sweat! Your skin is your second largest organ. Sweating allows toxins to leave the body without going through your bladder or stomach. You can sweat by exercising or even better in a sauna or even better than that an infrared sauna.

Supplement with good qua

lity antioxidants. Taking vitamin C and E, Alpha lipoic acid, flavonoids, carotenoids, and glutathione helps neutralize free radicals (toxins).

Add more fruit and vegetables to your diet. Eat organic as often as possible.

Skin brush prior to showering or using the sauna.

Change detergents to or

ganic safe products. Everything you wash touches your skin. If it is not safe to eat it is not safe to put on your skin!

Change your cleaning products to safe natural products. This will save money while you are at it.

Stop using fabric softener! Use wool dryer balls and add essential oils to the balls instead.

Eat clean. Eat less or no processed foods. Read labels. Do you want those chemicals that you cannot pronounce in your body?

Get water purifiers for your shower, stop bathing in chlorine and fluoride.

Use BPA and phthalate free plastics

Find Paraben Free label for co

smetics and skin care products.

Switch to Himalayan Pink Crystal salts.

Open your windows and let your house breath.

Adding one step into your daily routine will lead to less stress on your body and will lead to yet another positive step. By eliminating toxins your body will be able to spend more time doing what it is supposed to do. Over time you will notice possible weight loss, no more brain fog, you will be able to think clearer, your spirits will lift and your depression will fade. Your complexion will be clearer, the whites of your eyes will be whiter and your overall energy levels will lift.

Although detoxing is wonderful for all of us if you detox faster than your body can release the toxins those previously stored toxins will recirculate in your body. So, if you are going to go further with your detoxing consult an expert. Please feel free to check out my website and fill out a health history and let’s chat. Some things you need to be aware of is that if you detox heavily with a protocol you will need to replenish with minerals. As you sweat or use products you will all deplete minerals. You need to add binders or go slower as not to re-release toxins. Even adding a natural quality mineral will help you detox naturally over time.

how do I conclude????


Copyright 2018

All material and information presented by Candace Ray Health is intended to be used for educational purposes only. The statements made about products, supplements, or treatments have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The information is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any condition or disease. Please consult with your own physician or health care practitioner before making changes to your diet, exercise routine, or lifestyle.

Candace Ray Health | | 661-204-1372

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