Candace Ray Health’s Simplified 10 Step Guide to Wellness
Candace Ray Health can individualize a 10-step program for you that will lead to sustainable health! What are you waiting for, call today! 661-204-1372 or check out our website
1. Give yourself permission to heal. You are worthy to be happy and healthy. Negative emotion manifests itself in areas of the body. Letting go of all inhibiting beliefs and believing in your ability to heal is the first step in healing.
2. Become your own advocate and take charge of your health.
3. Support the body with good nutrition. Your body is your biggest hope! The body is amazing and has the ability to heal itself, sometimes it just needs a little help.
4. Stop focusing and treating only symptoms. Practice “Functional Healing” by addresses root causes or underlying health issues.
5. Heal your gut! For your gut to absorb nutrients it needs to be working optimally. Bacteria in your gut keep your body and brain functioning; they affect the way we store fat, balance levels of glucose, affect hormones, mood and even affect anxiety levels. The wrong internal bacterial mix can set the stage for obesity and other health issues.
6. Drink more water. Water makes up more than 50% of the average adult's body weight. Add more filtered water to your daily routine.Drink and bathe in clean water free of fluoride and chlorine.
7. Use food as medicine. Food is designed to nourish and heal the body not cause harm. Whole one ingredient foods will nourish the body. Processed foods can add stress and inflammation.
8. Detox. Essentially, anything that supports elimination in the body can be said to help detoxify. Detoxing is especially important with those who have chronic health conditions and certain genetic issues.
9. Add trace mineralswith a high quality mineral supplement. In the 1930’s we knew the land was lacking micronutrients including minerals.This means we were not able to get enough trace minerals from the food we eat. Today some studies show, 99% of Americans are deficient in essential minerals.
10. Live clean. Use healthy organic cleaners and skin products. Stop using non-organic air fresheners, fabric softeners, deodorants and toothpaste. Use safe kitchenware and reduce use of plastic and aluminum foil.
Copyright, 2018, CandaceRayHealth First edition
All rights reserved. This work in whole or part, maybe not be copied nor reproduced without express written permission of CandaceRayHealth. Make all inquiries to CandaceRayHealthor The information presented does not replace a doctor’s care. It is meant as information and to help one become educated in one’s Health journey.